How To Make An Appointment
You need an appointment to see any of the healthcare professionals at the practice. Our reception team will ask what you need help with. We use this information to book you with the most suitable person.
You can request an appointment in the following ways:
- Phone the surgery on 0161 224 1329 during our normal opening times;
- Visit reception during our normal opening times.
Our reception team may signpost you to an alternative service for non-urgent problems.
- NHS 111 phone service
- NHS 111 online
- A local walk in centre
- A local pharmacy
We have many different professionals in our clinical team, and it is not always necessary to see a doctor. Visit our Who Do I See page for more information.
Urgent Appointments
Please tell the receptionist if you feel your problem is urgent. A doctor will telephone you first to discuss your problem. The doctor will advise you what treatment may be required. This may be advice over the telephone or an appointment to come into the surgery. The doctor can only deal with a problem requiring urgent attention.
Routine Appointments
For any non-urgent requests, reception will offer you our next available routine appointment. If you would like to see a particular person then the wait may be longer.
You can use our online service to ask reception a question.
Please ensure you check your emails regularly for our response.
If you need help with your appointment
Please tell us:
- If there’s a specific doctor, nurse or other health professional you would prefer to respond
- If you would prefer to consult with the doctor or nurse by telephone or face-to-face
- If you need an interpreter
- If you have any other access or communication needs
Home Visits
We encourage you to come to the surgery where we have the proper equipment and facilities available. We appreciate that sometimes this is not possible. If you need the doctor to visit you at home you can help us by calling reception on 0161 224 1329 before 10:30am.
You may only request a home visit if you are housebound or too ill to visit the practice. The doctor will only visit you at home if they think that your medical condition requires it. The doctor will also decide how urgently a visit is needed.
To help the doctor please answer all the questions asked by our reception team.
Evening and Weekend Appointments
The practice is a member of Gorton and Levenshulme Primary Care Network (PCN). The PCN offers appointments on weekday evenings from 6.30pm to 8.00pm and on Saturday mornings.
The PCN works with Central Manchester Networks to provide these appointments. The appointments are available at three practices in the PCN.
- West Gorton Medical Centre
- West Point Medical Centre
- Hawthorn Medical Centre
The appointment may be with a doctor you have not seen before. The doctor will have access to your medical record. We will receive details of your consultation.
Please ask the receptionist if one of these appointments would be convenient for you.
Cancelling An Appointment
If you cannot attend your appointment then please inform us as soon as possible. This allows us to offer the appointment to someone else.
You can cancel an appointment in the following ways.
- Phone us on 0161 224 1329 during our opening times.
- Visit the reception desk during our opening times.
- Use an online services website or app at any time. We recommend the NHS App. You can also use Patient Access.
Keep it or cancel it but please don’t waste it

What to do when we are closed
Non-urgent advice: Out of Hours Service
When the practice is closed we will automatically divert your call to 111, the NHS non-emergency number. They will ask you a series of questions to assess your symptoms and immediately direct you to the best medical care for you.
You can also call 111 directly to speak to a highly trained adviser, supported by healthcare professionals or visit them online at
NHS 111 is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Calls are free from landlines and mobile phones.
Out of hours services are generally busy so please think carefully before asking to see a doctor and only do so if you genuinely cannot wait until the surgery re-opens.
The out of hours service is commissioned by Greater Manchester Integrated Care Board and provided by North West Ambulance Service.
In case of a life threatening emergency, please dial 999. Chest pains and/or shortness of breath are emergencies.
The NHS App